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Network Protocols Used By Ozone Clients

TODO: File a subtask under HDDS-9862 and complete this page or section.

For each section, indicate the network protocol that is used, why it is used, and how it is secured. Some intro/explanation at the top here would be good too.

S3 ClientS3 GatewayHTTPSS3 SecretsACLsTLSS3 Gateway REST API is compatible with regular S3 HTTP clients.
HDFS ClientOzone ManagerHadoop RPCKerberosACLsSASLHDFS client uses Ozone client jar internally to communicate with Ozone.
Ozone ClientOzone ManagerHadoop RPCKerberosACLsSASLHadoop RPC is used to transfer Kerberos information.
Ozone ClientStorage Container Manager
Ozone ClientDatanodegRPC
Ozone ClientKerberos KDC
Ozone ClientRanger KMS
REST ClientHttpFS Server
REST ClientRecon REST APIHTTPSKerberos + SPNEGOConfigured Ozone AdministratorsTLS
Web BrowserRecon UIHTTPSKerberos + SPNEGO/Apache KnoxConfigured Ozone AdministratorsTLS
Web BrowserOzone WebUIsHTTPSKerberos + SPNEGO/Apache KnoxTLS